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Message of Director

Director's Message

The vision for faith formation in our Eparchy is grounded in three key principles: education, transformation, and outreach. Firstly, education forms the bedrock of our faith formation efforts. Together, we aim to provide opportunities for our community members to deepen their understanding of our faith, empowering them to live out their calling as disciples of Christ with wisdom and clarity.

Secondly, faith formation must be transformative. It should not merely impart knowledge but inspire a genuine encounter with God, leading to personal transformation. Through prayer, spiritual retreats, and formative experiences, we will create spaces where individuals can encounter the living God and be transformed by His grace.

Lastly, faith formation must extend beyond the confines of our church walls. We must actively reach out to those on the peripheries, engaging with the wider community and responding to their spiritual needs. By embracing a spirit of evangelization, we can share the richness of our faith with others and invite them into the loving embrace of our Church.

Together, let us continue to build upon the strong foundation laid before us and strive to deepen our relationship with God and with one another.

May God bless our faith formation endeavours and guide us as we seek to grow in faith, love, and service.

Malankara Catholic Childrens League

What is the MCCL? What is the relevance of this organization? What are its aims and activities?

These questions are usually asked. The MCCL is an organizational communion of all the children who are in faith formation in the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church. When the Sunday School shares the academic aspects in faith formation, the MCCL focuses on the practical formation in faith. Therefore, the MCCL gives stress to the practical and ecclesial faith formation of the children. Together with the lessons in catechism, it involves the study on the Biblical personalities, the knowledge about those who took up the challenge of the true faith and lived it in their daily circumstances of life, study on the great personalities of saints and martyrs in the history of the Church, formation for the holistic personality development and the good of children, activities for the moral and spiritual formation of children, training for Christian life founded on the Gospel values and the Church, social activities that inspire commitment founded on the social teachings of the Church, the nurturing of the talents of arts and culture inherent in children and equipping children to discern the endless potentials and lurking dangers of modern information technology that brings about revolutionary changes. God and faith are estranged from daily life in the modern circumstances of the world that undergoes too much secularization. It is the need of the time that, in an increasing circumstance of dangerous teachings, movements and perceptions that stress only the personal dimension of faith excluding the Church, ecclesial communion and tradition, we open new ways of handing down our ecclesial faith through the movement of the MCCL. As the two sides of a coin, the curriculum of the catechism and the activities of the MCCL are to be considered complementary.

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